

Department cum National Centre for Human Genome Studies and Research

Students Notices

1. 23/12/2023Award for late Sh. Pritam Nath & Mrs. Ram Piari Scholarship
2. 23/12/2023Award for 25 late Dewan Som Nath Scholarship
3. 23/12/2023Award of 2 scholarships @ Rs. 400/- p.m. Pu Soldiers's relief fund
4. 13/12/2023Circular regarding submission of medical certificate
5. 21/07/2023Student Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC)
6. 14/02/2023Notice Regarding Condonation of Shortage of Lectures
7. 12/12/2022Placement Brochure 2023
8. 24/11/2022Mentor Mentee list 1st & 3rd Semester for the Session 2022-2023
9. 10/10/2022Rules of Medical Certificate for Students
10. 10/10/2022UGC Guidelines on safety of students on and off campuses of higher educational institutions
11. 13/09/2022Post Matric Scholarrship to SC, OBC, Economically Backward Class and Transgender for the year 2022-2023
12. 13/09/2022Post Matric Scholarrship to SC, OBC, Economically Backward Class and Transgender for the year 2022-2023
13. 08/08/2022Scholarship for MinorityCommunity PreMatric,Post Matric and Merit-cum-Means year 2022-23
14. 03/08/2022Circular regarding scholarship schemes under National Scholarship Portal for the year 2022-23
15. 29/07/2022L.R. Mundra Memorial Scholarship 2022-23
16. 17/02/2022Mrs. Dr. V.S. Puri Scholarships.200 p.m.for 10 months for the year 2021-22
17. 01/02/2022Scholarship/Assistance from the "Student Scholarship Fund" for the Session 2021-2022
18. 01/02/2022Extra-Mural Activities Scholarship for the Session 2021-2022
19. 01/09/2021Circular Regarding Scholarship schemes under National Scholarship schemes
20. 05/08/2021Information about the Department
21. 10/06/2021Award of Panjab University Fellowship for Ph.D. (2020)
22. 06/05/2021Webinar on “Novel Models of Sporadic Colorectal Cancer and Aging” on 07.05.2021
23. 07/04/2021Award of Alumni stipend
24. 29/10/2020Online Ph.D. Viva-Voce Examination of Ms. Neetu Rani on 9.11.2020 at 2.30 pm
25. 19/10/2020Ph.D. viva-voce of Ms. Neetu Rani stands postponed
26. 14/10/2020Online Ph.D. Viva-Voce Examination of Mr. Gurprit
27. 12/10/2020Final result of M.Sc.4th Semester September, 2020
28. 09/10/2020Online Ph.D. Viva-Voce Examination of Ms. Neetu Rani
29. 22/09/2020Mentor-Mentee List of M.Sc.(Human Genomics) 3rd Semester
30. 24/06/2019Final Result of M.Sc.(Human Genomics) 4th Semester
31. 30/01/2019Tentative Academic Calendar for M.Sc.(Human Genomics) 2nd & 4th Sem

Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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