

Department cum National Centre for Human Genome Studies and Research

Noticeboard: General Notices / Department Circular / Notifications

1. 16/08/2024Notice regarding attendance of M.Sc.(Human Genomics) 1st Semester
2. 14/08/2024Notice regarding Celebrating Independence Day on 14.08.2024
3. 13/08/2024Time-table for M.Sc.(Human Genomics) 1st Sem Class commencing from 14th August, 2024
4. 26/06/2024Advertisement for the post of one (01) Guest Faculty
5. 23/12/2023Mrs. & Dr. V.S. Puri Scholarship
6. 23/12/2023Milkhi Ram Sharma Memorial Scholarship
7. 09/11/2023Placement Sensitization Program on 09.11.2023
8. 01/08/2023Advertisement for the post of one (01) Guest Faculty
9. 13/04/2023Lecture Shortage of M.Sc.(Human Genomics) 4th Semester upto 31.03.2023
10. 12/12/2022Placement Brochure 2023
11. 11/11/2022Advertisement for the post of one (01) Guest Faculty (Revised)
12. 03/11/2022Advertisement for the post of one (01) Guest Faculty
13. 04/10/2022Advertisement for the post of one (01) Guest Faculty
14. 02/09/2022Analysis of feedback and action taken report from Alumni 2021-2022
15. 02/09/2022Analysis of feedback and action taken report from Parents 2021-22
16. 02/09/2022Analysis of feedback and action taken report Student about Department 2021-22
17. 18/08/2022On-line offers are invited through PAC based GEM Bidding of Gel documentation system
18. 10/08/2022Advertisement for the post of one (01) Guest Faculty
19. 21/06/2022Placement Brochure of Department cum NCHGSR
20. 04/05/2022Advertisement for the post of one (01) Guest Faculty
21. 14/03/2022Student Feedback
22. 28/02/2022Advertisement for the post of one (01) Guest Faculty
23. 18/02/2022Advertisement for the post of two Guest Faculty
24. 29/10/2021Action Taken Report related to Student Feedback 2020-21
25. 05/08/2021Information about the Department
26. 10/06/2021Award of Panjab University Fellowship for Ph.D. (2020)
27. 31/05/2021Webinar on "Avoiding Plagiarism in Research" on 02.06.2021at 9.00 .am.
28. 06/05/2021Webinar on “Novel Models of Sporadic Colorectal Cancer and Aging” on 07.05.2021
29. 25/01/2021Alumni Meet "MEETOPEDIA" held on 20.01.2021 at 03:00 p.m. onwards
30. 07/01/2021Advertisement for one post of Junior Research Fellow under the ICMR project in Department of Biochemistry, P.U., Chd.
31. 10/07/2020Webinar on Mindset Shift in the Times of Uncertainties on 16.07.2020
32. 29/05/2020WEBINAR SERIES ON Perspectives and Prospects of “OMICS” Approaches in Health and Disease
33. 04/10/2019Advertisement for Ph.D Programme in Dept.cum NCHGSR
34. 02/08/2019Timetable of M.Sc.(Human Genomics)1st Semester July to December, 2019
35. 02/08/2019Notice regarding teaching classes w.e.f. 05.08.2019
36. 26/07/2019Notice regarding Orientation Programme of M.Sc.(Human Genomics)1st Semester 2019-20
37. 26/07/2019Orientation Programme of M.Sc.(Human Genomics)1st semester 2019-20
38. 24/07/2019Information Regarding Hostel
39. 22/05/2019Notice for Summer Training Programme in Department cum NCHGSR
40. 27/09/2018Walk-in-Interview for Guest Faculy on October 3, 2018
41. 11/09/2018Revised Admission Schedule for Admission to Ph.D
42. 26/07/2018Syallbus of M.Sc. (H.G.) 1st Semester 2018
43. 25/07/2018Final approved merit list of Defence Category of M.Sc.(Human Genomics) 1st Semester 2018-19
44. 24/07/2018Information regarding Hostel Accommodation
45. 24/07/2018Final approved merit list of M.Sc.(Human Genomics)1st Semester 2018-19
46. 23/07/2018Notice Regarding Final Merit List
47. 21/07/2018Instruction to reach Deptt. cum NCHGSR
48. 20/07/2018Provisional Merit List of M.Sc.(Human Genomics) 2018-19
49. 20/07/2018Counseling Instructions
50. 20/07/2018For Admission Related Queries
51. 20/07/2018Tentative Merit List M.Sc.(Human Genomics) 1st Sem 2018-19
52. 07/05/2018Viva-Voce Notice of Mr. Mayank Chaudhary
53. 23/03/2018 Walk-in-Interview for Guest Faculy on April 9, 2018
54. 16/01/2018Viva-Voce Notice of Ambica Baru
55. 05/12/2017Special Lecture on December 7, 2017 at 03:00 P.M.
57. 11/07/2017Counselling Date of M.Sc.(Human Genomics)1st Semester 2017-18
59. 07/04/2017Attendance of M.Sc.(Human Genomics) 4th Semester upto March 31, 2017
60. 07/04/2017Attendance of M.Sc. (Human Genomics) 2nd Semester Upto March 31, 2017
61. 14/03/2017 Attendance of M.Sc.(Human Genomics) 4th Semester upto 28th February, 2017
62. 14/03/2017 Attendance of M.Sc.(Human Genomics)2nd Semester upto 28th February, 2017
63. 07/02/2017Attendance of M.Sc.(Human Genomics)4th Semester upto 31st Jaunary, 2017
64. 07/02/2017Attendance of M.Sc.(Human Genomics)2nd Semester upto 31st January, 2017
65. 27/01/2017Walk-in-Interview for Guest Faculy on February 8, 2017
66. 22/12/2016Merit List of Ph.D. Entrance Test-2016
67. 20/12/2016Walk-in-Interview for Research Fellow on December 28, 2016
68. 29/09/2016National Symposium on Perspectives in Genomics and Proteomics October 21, 2016
69. 28/07/2016Walk-in-interview for Research Fellow on August 5, 2016
70. 18/07/2016Note for waiting list students
71. 17/07/2016Approved Admission List
72. 16/07/2016Provisional Merit List
73. 14/07/2016Tentative Merit List of M.Sc.(Human Genomics)-2016
74. 01/07/2016Regarding M.Sc. (Human Genomics) Admission Counselling/Interview
75. 12/05/2016Regarding Admission in M.Sc.(Human Genomics)
76. 03/02/2016CHASCON-2016 Notice
77. 23/11/2015Vacancy Notice for Guest Faculty in Department cum NCHGSR
78. 31/07/2015Number of vacant Ph.D positions
79. 11/07/2015Final Merit List of M.Sc.(Human Genomics) 2015
80. 09/07/2015Tentative Merit List for admission to M.Sc.(Human Genomics) 2015
81. 06/07/2015Admission Notice
82. 24/06/2015Counseling date for admission to M.Sc.(Human Genomics) for the session 2015-16

Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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